Positive Thinking Creates Reality
The following statement on the relation of positive thinking to reality. Through your own actions and internal perspective the actions of positive thinking creates reality by creating belief. And the reality created by positive thinking is a perfect mirror of what's going on in your conscious mind. There is another esoteric principle: that the mind which believes becomes reality. Through the action of believing in any situation you can become aware that whatever your mind believes becomes reality, even if it contradicts what your mind is already feeling or thinking. In the case of creating reality your subconscious mind is the one responsible for creating what you are experiencing right now.
Now, the next point to consider. When you start believing something is impossible your mind actually becomes convinced that the belief is true, you can then begin the process of turning your thoughts to the positive and turning negative thoughts to the negative, and finally you begin to feel and act like reality and the reality created by this turning of thoughts become more apparent until you believe there is nothing that is possible which will stand in your way. At this point you will find that you have literally turned into reality, a reality which is quite similar to our current reality although now the reality created by this mental journey you are taking is much more vivid and intense, this being the reason why you feel as if the only thing you can do is live your life like this.
Your positive mind goes beyond your thoughts, your feelings and your emotions, it creates auras around you that influence your thoughts and feelings in a great deal. The aura that surrounds you is the result of your life-force energy, and by opening up this energy and by consciously controlling it you can change your own reality, the reality that you are living in. Positive thinking creates reality, it creates happiness, peace, joy and fulfillment. It creates a universe where you are free to believe anything positive. You are able to create your own future. This is because through positive thinking, which encompasses both your thoughts and feelings, you will create the framework for your reality, the framework which will give you the happiness and the joy and the fulfillment you are searching for.