Are you suffering a stroke? Is your body struggling to recover? It is a sign that the energetic fields in your body are blocked. |
The Bosmat formula helps patients who suffered from a stroke, with an external treatment. |
Zarif prepares the Bosmat and delivers it globally for patients who suffered from a stroke and are incapable of flying in order to receive their treatment |
For many patients that suffered from a stroke the purpose of the Bosmat treatment is to open the blocked and locked areas of the body's energy field, so that the body will be able to create a healing process for existing symptoms that the patient suffers from. |
For years, Oren Zarif proved that as the energy blocks open, the body begins to create a healing process and returns to its strength, thousands of patients testify for it. |
Therefore, it is important to open the body's blocked energy field channels for patients who suffered from a stroke |
Only then can the body cope with the existing problems and create a self healing process. |
With the unique method developed by Zarif over many years and with his amazing capabilities, Zarif helps countless patients and sufferers worldwide that suffered from a stroke |
Stroke symptoms that do not involve blood flow to the brain can also occur suddenly. One such symptom is called phonemic atrophy. Phonics is the ability to speak or hear words as well as sounds, which is what is lost when people have strokes. The person will struggle to understand speech or language, and will be unable to perform simple tasks. These types of strokes affect areas of the left side of the brain, which is why they are often referred to as right sided strokes.Stroke Symptoms Are Similar to Understanding the Symptoms of a Heart Attack
Stroke Symptoms
Stroke Symptoms, or strokes, are serious medical conditions that can have a devastating effect on the victims and their families. Stroke symptoms are caused by blood clots or "myotoxic" blood clots that break away from the brain. These clots interfere with the flow of blood to vital organs of the body and can result in permanent damage to the myelin, or sheath, that is present in the brain. This condition can progress slowly over many years or rapidly, depending upon the type of stroke, its location, and how much is lost during the process. Stroke Symptoms can range from mild to severe, but the most critical signs and symptoms are those that occur post-stroke.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, it is time to get yourself to the doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you get to the doctor, the quicker you will be able to regain your normal life. These are not full blown symptoms, so don't worry if you don't immediately recognize them. Some of the more common stroke symptoms are listed below. These can be coupled with other symptoms if necessary to obtain the correct diagnosis.
Dizziness. – This is one of the most common stroke symptoms, and it occurs when the brain is hit by a blood clot (venous thrombus). Blood clots are very dangerous because they form in the brain arteries (venous myelin) and if they form in an area critical to brain function, it could be life threatening. If a blood clot dislodges from the brain, it travels through the blood stream until it reaches a body organ, such as the eyes or lungs, blocking normal oxygen flow to the that block it. This can be very dangerous, and if left untreated, can lead to gangrene or death.
Headache. – This is another of the most common of the strokes symptoms. In addition to being one of the more obvious signs, headache is associated with many different types of stroke. Most people who have a stroke do have some form of headache pain. A headache can be due to a number of things, so if you think you have experienced a headache, you should visit your doctor to confirm it.
Nausea. – This is often times overlooked as one of the many stroke symptoms. However, a feeling of nausea or sickness, especially accompanied by low appetite, could be a sign of a developing problem within the brain. This is usually the result of a blood clot in the brain (venous thrombus), which is preventing proper flow of blood to the brain. If this is the case, you will probably start to feel nauseated, weakness in the legs and stomach, and shortness of breath.
Fatigue. – It is also important to understand that fatigue is one of the most common stroke symptoms. The symptoms may not be as severe with some patients, but they are more easily fatigued than others. Some patients report feeling less tired after just a few minutes at a computer, while others report being more tired after spending several hours at a computer.
Limitation of movement. – Some patients report having trouble walking, or having difficulty with getting up from a seated position. Other patients have difficulty walking or have difficulty sitting down without feeling like they are pressed or weighted down. Limiting of movement and having difficulty walking or having difficulty sitting down can be symptoms of a stroke and should be reported to your doctor.
All these symptoms can be a sign that a stroke is imminent, or that the person has already had some type of stroke. Even if the symptoms go away in a day or two, or the person never thinks that they are having a stroke, it is still important to contact a doctor. The sooner the doctor gets involved, the greater the chance for the person to survive. There is no time to waste.
Learn More About Stroke Symptoms And What You Should Do
Stroke Symptoms
Stroke Symptoms are quite different in men and women. There are many different types of Stroke Symptoms that may occur during a stroke. Strokes can cause short term memory loss, problems with speech fluency and comprehension, difficulty with moving, seizures, and sometimes death. Stroke Symptoms occur in two categories: The warning signs and the treatments. The warning signs will be more evident and are what we focus on first.
Warning signs of stroke are quite different for each gender. In most cases the signs will be either dizziness or light headedness, chest pain, increased sweating and sometimes a feeling of tightness in the chest area. The other major symptom is difficulty swallowing. Stroke Symptoms in women may also be felt as back pain or neck pain, but the signs of stroke for women may be less obvious due to the smaller body of a woman.
Some signs and symptoms that are common for males but not for females are dizziness or lightheadedness, sweating and nausea. These stroke symptoms can also be called by other names such as minestrone, post-stroke syndrome. Women rarely experience these. Men who have had a stroke tend to experience all of these.
Ministroke Symptoms happens within twenty-four hours of the actual stroke occurring. The person does not necessarily become disabled immediately, but they do need time to get better. You might hear of someone who has had tia fastai at the hospital saying that they could barely move after having it. While there are some cases where the person will become totally disabled right away, the majority of them will make a full recovery within a year or so.
One of the biggest strokes risk factors is called a transient ischemic attack or TIA. This happens when the brain does not receive the oxygen that it needs during an attack. Doctors call this type of attack carotid-venous syncope. This can cause serious problems for the person because it causes less movement possible and they are more likely to die. Doctors have been able to successfully treat it through simple exercises and lifestyle changes. It is important for you to contact your doctor if you notice that your symptoms are getting worse.
Two other very serious problems that can be associated with a stroke are seizures and blindness. Seizures happen when the brain is trying to compensate for a lack of blood flow by stopping certain functions. While this can be dangerous, it is rare. Blindness, on the other hand, is caused by the loss of the ability to see. It is also usually accompanied by other symptoms such as drooping eyelids or pain in the area of the eye that is affected. If you experience more than two of the above signs and symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately to ensure that you do not suffer permanent brain damage.
Stroke Symptoms – What Is the Main Stroke Symptoms?
Stroke Symptoms
Stroke Symptoms can be detected on a routine basis if the doctor is observant. Anytime there is a loss of memory or any other type of severe brain dysfunction the doctor will do a thorough exam. The doctor may ask you to do several things like restate what happened, think back to when it occurred and list any of your family members that may have had symptoms. The doctor will look for anything unusual that could have been caused by a stroke. Stroke Symptoms are different for everyone but the most common ones include lack of balance, trouble with speaking and movement, lack of coordination and difficulty seeing.
Stroke Symptoms do not always mean that you have suffered a stroke right away. Stroke Symptoms can take many forms and they can even appear years after the event. If you are showing symptoms then you should go to the doctor right away. Here are some more of the most common signs and symptoms:
The major symptom is the loss of consciousness. While there are no warning signs that will indicate that you might suffer from a stroke you should still get to the hospital immediately. If you experience the five warning signs mentioned earlier then you are very likely to have a stroke and the sooner you get to the hospital the better.
Some other stroke symptoms are dizziness, loss of balance, unconsciousness, slurred speech, a pounding heartbeat, numbness in your hands or legs, difficulty speaking or understanding language, a change in personality and irritability. These are just some of the most common stroke signs. Some less common signs are unconsciousness, choking, respiratory problems, vision problems and urinary retention. These are all less common than the more common ones but are still worth mentioning.
Stroke symptoms are something that is often overlooked until it is way too late. There are many things that can happen to a person when they have a stroke and all of them are tragic. One of the most devastating things is that you can never live again. Your brain cells die and they don't grow back. This means that you are basically gone and never can come back. That is why it is critical that if you are going to be screened for any type of screening for any type of disease that you have your brain cells diagnosed first.
Stroke symptoms are going to be different from person to person just like everything else that goes on in the body. However, there are some common things that you will notice. The most common signs that you will notice is sudden numbness on one side of your body, a tingling sensation, difficulty talking, slurred speech, loss of balance, unconsciousness, difficulty walking, a change in personality and irritability. Keep in mind that these are just some of the more common signs but they do represent the main symptoms that you will experience when you have a stroke.
Another sign that is quite common is what is called a "rebound" stroke. A rebound stroke happens when blood begins to flow to the area where the stroke occurred but the blood doesn't stop in that particular spot. For example, if someone has a car accident and their brain hemorrhages the next day then they could experience a "rebound" stroke. The reason that this happens is because the blood is not able to clot. It simply breaks free from the brain and travels back to the heart.
Stroke Symptoms – What To Look For When Considering Ischemic Stroke Treatment
Stroke Symptoms
Stroke Symptoms can be confused with the normal signs and symptoms of a stroke. They are similar to those symptoms of a stroke that occurs in the human body, but they can be triggered by different things. A stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain is cut off. These types of strokes affect the brain tissue directly.
Stroke Symptoms can be triggered by sudden changes in the brain chemistry. They can also happen during or just after a stroke. If you're suffering from sudden, unexplained loss of memory, weakness or dizziness, nausea or vomiting, confusion or seizures, tingling or numbness in your hands and feet, and a lack of concentration, you should get to the hospital immediately. Stroke symptoms can also occur in people who have had a previous stroke. In these cases, the symptoms may be more severe or they may be confused with other illnesses.
Stroke Symptoms may also occur in patients who have had a single or minimally invasive stroke. Patients who have had a focal lesion, meaning they had a blood clot in a critical area of the brain, may experience symptoms that mirror those of a stroke. However, they may also have symptoms that are caused by the focal lesion itself. Some stroke symptoms such as memory loss or impaired concentration can be mimicked by a mini stroke symptom such as blurry vision, double vision, or decreased awareness of time.
Stroke Symptoms usually depend on how much blood the brain receives. When the blood fails to reach the brain cells it needs, they begin to die. This is why stroke victims can suffer from short-term memory loss, confusion, dizziness or imbalance. The loss of oxygen also affects the way the blood carries oxygen-rich blood to the brain.
Stroke Symptoms are divided into two categories: ischemic and ischaemic. An ischemic stroke occurs when the blood gets stuck in the arteries (the coronary arteries) or the brain. This can lead to a shortage of oxygen and death from brain cell death. The other type of stroke is called ischaemic. It is when the flow of blood to the brain and to the rest of the body are reduced. This results in the reduction of oxygen and nutrients in the blood.
Stroke Symptoms can be divided into two types: ischemic and ischaemic. An ischemic stroke occurs when the blood vessels are narrowed or blocked by a narrowed or damaged blood vessel. On one side of the body, the carotid arteries are most often affected. This is called carotid-artery disease or AVED.
Stroke Symptoms can appear suddenly, develop over time, or be persistent. They can also come and go. Stroke recovery depends on the severity of the injury and whether the symptoms were self-induced or induced by another illness. When it comes to the management of stroke victim, many patients prefer to take the advice of their family physician or a medical specialist who has more experience with these issues.
In ischemic stroke, blood flow to the brain is stopped. The main problem is the blockage of a blood vessel. An ischemic stroke does not always involve a blood clot (although they do happen more often with ischemic strokes). Instead, the blockage is caused by a build up of pressure inside an artery.
The main reason that an ischemic stroke happens is because the blood vessels have been damaged. They may no longer receive enough oxygenated blood to function normally. Stroke symptoms that appear in these conditions include weakness, dizziness, numbness in the extremities, decreased vision, talking or seeing slowed down, and a tingling sensation in the hands. Some people will be unconscious during the attack. Others will be conscious but unable to move.
Stroke symptoms need to be evaluated carefully by a medical professional. If you think you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should go see your doctor immediately. These symptoms could potentially be the beginning stages of a stroke and should not be ignored.
My mom suffered from a severe stroke
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Read moreMy mom suffered from a severe stroke
For years, Oren Zarif proved that as the energy blocks open, the body begins to create a healing process and...
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