Another interesting statement on the relationship of positive thinking to reality. Positive thinking creates reality by altering the existing conditions. And the action of positive thinking actually creates reality by altering the existing conditions. In esoteric, a similar principle is there: whatever is in reality, is a reflection of what's going on in consciousness. The whole point is that whatever you think, you become.
This works on a number of levels. Firstly, by altering your perception, you change your world. By creating the right images and feelings in your mind, you are able to attract into existence the physical reality that you are seeking. Secondly, if you are attracting your reality into being right from your thoughts, then this also alters your reality as well. When you are thinking, you tend to act, and your actions will reflect back on you, giving you a reflection of how you perceive the world. The world around us, everything that we see and feel, is the result of our thoughts.
So in a nutshell, positive thinking creates positive reality. If you are looking to change things for the better, all you need to do is alter your thinking. Look at it this way: negative thoughts create negative reality. Positive thoughts create positive reality. Positive thinking is the secret to success.